Simple CLI interface for choosing one of the pre-selected baseline testing paper.
Will automatically grab any PDF file in the ../../papers/
Kicks off the initial pipeline step where the user picks their
PDF file to index and chooser the data loader from a pre-set list.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
filetype |
The filetype to filter on, this project was build to handle PDF
files so it is highly unlikely you will want to override this default.
Type |
Description |
UserSelections | None
The user selections or None indicating user chose to exit or error.
Source code in bcorag/
| def initialize_picker(filetype: str = "pdf") -> Optional[UserSelections]:
"""Kicks off the initial pipeline step where the user picks their
PDF file to index and chooser the data loader from a pre-set list.
filetype : str, optional
The filetype to filter on, this project was build to handle PDF
files so it is highly unlikely you will want to override this default.
UserSelections | None
The user selections or None indicating user chose to exit or error.
presets = misc_fns.load_config_data("./bcorag/conf.json")
if presets is None or isinstance(presets, list):
print(f"Error reading config file. Got type `{type(presets)}` for `presets`.")
# set base keys
return_data: UserSelections = { # type: ignore
f"{option}": None for option in presets["options"].keys()
target_file_information = _file_picker(presets["paper_directory"], filetype)
if target_file_information is None:
return None
return_data["filename"] = target_file_information[0]
return_data["filepath"] = target_file_information[1]
option: OptionKey
for option in get_args(OptionKey):
target_option = _create_picker(
presets["options"][option].get("default", None),
if target_option is None:
return None
return_data[option] = int(target_option) if option in {"similarity_top_k"} else target_option # type: ignore
repo_data = _repo_picker()
if repo_data == 0:
return None
if repo_data is None:
return_data["git_data"] = None
return_data["git_data"] = repo_data
in_progress_docs_path = _in_progress_docs()
if in_progress_docs_path:
return_data["other_docs"] = [in_progress_docs_path]
return return_data
_file_picker(path, filetype='pdf')
Create the CLI menu to pick the PDF file from the papers directory.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
path |
The path to the directory to display the CLI menu for.
filetype |
The filetype to filter on, this project was build to handle PDF
files so it is highly unlikely you will want to override this default.
Type |
Description |
(str, str) | None
Returns the name and path of the selected file or None if the user selects exit.
Source code in bcorag/
| def _file_picker(path: str, filetype: str = "pdf") -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
"""Create the CLI menu to pick the PDF file from the papers directory.
path : str
The path to the directory to display the CLI menu for.
filetype : str, optional
The filetype to filter on, this project was build to handle PDF
files so it is highly unlikely you will want to override this default.
(str, str) | None
Returns the name and path of the selected file or None if the user selects exit.
target_files = misc_fns.get_file_list(path, filetype)
pick_options = [os.path.basename(filename) for filename in target_files]
pick_title = "Please choose the PDF file to index:"
option, _ = pick(pick_options, pick_title, indicator="->")
option = str(option)
if option == EXIT_OPTION:
return None
return str(option), f"{path}{option}"
Allows the user to input a github repository link to be included in the indexing.
Type |
Description |
GitData | None | 0
Returns parsed repo information from the link, None if the user skips this step,
or 0 (exit status) if the user chooses to exit.
Source code in bcorag/
| def _repo_picker() -> Optional[GitData] | Literal[0]:
"""Allows the user to input a github repository link to be included in the indexing.
GitData | None | 0
Returns parsed repo information from the link, None if the user skips this step,
or 0 (exit status) if the user chooses to exit.
while True:
url_prompt = 'If you would like to include a Github repository enter the URL below. Enter "x" to exit or leave blank to skip.\n> '
url = input(url_prompt)
if not url or url is None:
print("Skipping Github repo...")
return None
elif url == "x":
return 0
match = misc_fns.extract_repo_data(url)
if match is None:
print("Error parsing repository URL.")
user = match[0]
repo = match[1]
branch = input("Repo branch to index (case sensitive):\n> ")
if not branch:
branch = "main"
git_filters: list[GitFilters] = []
directory_filter_prompt = "Would you like to include a directory filter?"
directory_filter_prompt += "\nEnter a list of comma-delimited directories to either conditionally exclude or inclusively include. "
directory_filter_prompt += "Or leave blank to skip.\n> "
directory_filter_val = input(directory_filter_prompt)
if directory_filter_val and directory_filter_val is not None:
directories = [
dir.strip() for dir in directory_filter_val.split(",") if dir.strip()
directory_filter_condition_prompt = (
'Enter "include" or "exclude" for the directory filter.\n> '
directory_filter_condition_val = input(directory_filter_condition_prompt)
directory_filter_type = (
if directory_filter_condition_val.lower().strip() == "include"
else GithubRepositoryReader.FilterType.EXCLUDE
directory_filter = create_git_filters(directory_filter_type, GitFilter.DIRECTORY, value=directories)
file_ext_filter_prompt = "Would you like to include a file extension filter?"
file_ext_filter_prompt += "\nEnter a list of comma-delimited file extensions to either conditionally exclude or inclusively include. "
file_ext_filter_prompt += "Or leave blank to skip.\n> "
file_ext_filter_val = input(file_ext_filter_prompt)
if file_ext_filter_val and file_ext_filter_val is not None:
file_exts = [
ext.strip() for ext in file_ext_filter_val.split(",") if ext.strip()
file_ext_filter_condition_prompt = (
'Enter "include" or "exclude" for the file extension filter.\n> '
file_ext_filter_condition_val = input(file_ext_filter_condition_prompt)
file_ext_filter_type = (
if file_ext_filter_condition_val.lower().strip() == "include"
else GithubRepositoryReader.FilterType.EXCLUDE
file_ext_filter = create_git_filters(file_ext_filter_type, GitFilter.FILE_EXTENSION, value=file_exts)
return_data = create_git_data(user, repo, branch, git_filters)
return return_data
_create_picker(title_keyword, documentation, option_list, default=None)
Creates a general picker CLI based on a list of options and the
functionality to optionally mark one option as the default.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
title_keyword |
The keyword to use for the picker title.
documentation |
Link to the documentation for the option.
option_list |
The list of options to display in the picker menu.
default |
str | None
The option to mark one option as the default.
Type |
Description |
str | None
The chosen option of None if the user selected to exit.
Source code in bcorag/
| def _create_picker(
title_keyword: str,
documentation: str,
option_list: list[str],
default: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Creates a general picker CLI based on a list of options and the
functionality to optionally mark one option as the default.
title_keyword : str
The keyword to use for the picker title.
documentation : str
Link to the documentation for the option.
option_list : list[str]
The list of options to display in the picker menu.
default : str | None, optional
The option to mark one option as the default.
str | None
The chosen option of None if the user selected to exit.
pick_title = f"Please choose one of the following {title_keyword.replace('_', ' ').title()}s.\nDocumentation can be found at:\n{documentation}."
pick_options = [
f"{option} (default)" if option == default else option for option in option_list
option, _ = pick(pick_options, pick_title, indicator="->")
option = str(option)
if option == EXIT_OPTION:
return None
if " (default)" in option:
option = option.replace(" (default)", "")
return option
Checks if in progress documentation is found.
Type |
Description |
str or None
The file path to the in progress documentation to include or None
if the user chose not to include or no documentation was found.
Source code in bcorag/
| def _in_progress_docs() -> Optional[str]:
"""Checks if in progress documentation is found.
str or None
The file path to the in progress documentation to include or None
if the user chose not to include or no documentation was found.
in_progress_docs_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "aggregator", "")
if os.path.isfile(in_progress_docs_path):
prompt = "Found, include it in the vector store? (y/n)\n> "
answer = input(prompt)
answer = answer.strip().lower()
if answer == "y":
return in_progress_docs_path
return None